Turkish Van


In 1955 two British women, Laura Lushington and Sonia Halliday, on a trip to Turkey were given some cats that featured what is now termed the Van pattern, and decided to bring them home. They bred true, and were used as foundation stock for the breed. According to Lushington, her original imported cats were: Van Iskenderun Guzelli (female), a cat that came from Hatay ProvinceIskenderun, and Stambul Byzantium (male), a cat given by a hotel manager in Istanbul, both in 1955. 


The Turkish Van is a semi-long-haired breed of domestic cat, which was developed in the United Kingdom from a selection of cats obtained from various cities of modern Turkey, especially Southeast Turkey

Grooming and Physical Needs

Size: a larger cat breed

  • Grooming Needs: easy to groom, weekly brushing with a slicker brush.
  • Coat Type: semi-long haired
  • Moulting: low
  • Exercise Needs: highly athletic & active.
  • Average Life Span: 12-17 years
  • Healthcare:


  • Family: develop a strong bond with their owners
  • Temperament: Although early bloodlines had a tendency to be aggressive, today the breed is generally very social, with a friendly disposition toward people
  • Trainability:
  • Sociability (Other Pets): happy to live with cat friendly dogs so long as it is recognised they are in charge.
  • Meowing:
